
American Go E-Journal (アメリカ 囲碁 E-ジャーナル)



  1. U.S. GO NEWS:
    Top 10 Reasons To Attend The 2003 US Go Congress;
    3rd Annual Congress Daily Set
    Hong Leads Euro Championship;
    Jujo To Contest Asian Tv Cup;
    Yamashita Defeats O Rissei In Tengen
    Cho's Unfightable Ko
    Unexpected Gifts
    Sabaki, How to Manage Weak Stones


AMERICAN GO E-JOURNAL: News from the American Go Association

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July 28, 2003

In This Edition:
U.S. GO NEWS: Top 10 Reasons To Attend The 2003 US Go Congress; 3rd Annual Congress Daily Set WORLD GO NEWS: Hong Leads Euro Championship; Jujo To Contest Asian Tv Cup; Yamashita Defeats O Rissei In Tengen GAME COMMENTARY: Cho's Unfightable Ko YOUR MOVE THE TRAVELING BOARD: Unexpected Gifts GO REVIEW: Sabaki, How to Manage Weak Stones


TOP 10 REASONS TO ATTEND THE 2003 US GO CONGRESS: Reason #1: Play with friends old and new. The game is great but it's the people that make it fun. Here's the once-a-year chance to play go all day, every day for eight straight days, while meeting hundreds of people from around the world who love the game as much as you do. You'll see old friends, make new ones, and along the way, you'll learn something new from the professionals who work full-time to master go. It's not too late to register for the Go Congress, which runs August 2-10 in Houston, TX: 303 people are already registered. More details at: http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763703&u=http://www.houstongoclub.org/USGC2003/intro.html&g=0&f=84763711

3RD ANNUAL CONGRESS DAILY SET: For the third straight year, the American Go E-Journal plans to publish daily reports from the annual U.S. Go Congress. Look for updates on the main rated tournaments, as well as reports on other events, coverage of professional lectures and more. Journal staff will also be meeting with AGA leadership, readers, volunteers and vendors during the Congress to discuss future plans for the weekly go publication, now distributed to nearly 6,000 readers worldwide.


HONG LEADS EURO CHAMPIONSHIP: The European Go Congress main tournament in St. Petersburg, Russia, has 296 players, including 3 from the USA. At the halfway point, Adam Miller 3 Dan has won 3 of 5, James Acres 1 kyu is 2 of 5, and Takao Ueda 2 kyu is 1 of 5. The current leader in this contest for the European Championship is Seul Ki Hong 7 Dan of Korea at 5 of 5. You can see the complete results at http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763701&u=http://www.egc2003.spb.ru/pages/results.htm&g=0&f=84763711 .

JUJO TO CONTEST ASIAN TV CUP: The 15th Asian TV Cup fast game tournament has been rescheduled to start in September in Seoul, Korea. The participants include Yi (Lee) Changho 9 Dan (last year's winner) and Jiang Zhujiu (Jujo) 9 Dan (holder of the North American Masters title), along with Lee Sang Hoon 7 Dan, Zhou Heyang 9 Dan, Peng Quan 5 Dan, Mimura Tomoyasu 9 Dan, and O Rissei 9 Dan. [from www.gogameworld.com]

YAMASHITA DEFEATS O RISSEI IN TENGEN: In the first game of the semifinals in the 27th Tengen tournament in Japan, Yamashita Keigo 7 Dan has continued his winning ways this year by defeating O Rissei 9 Dan by 4.5 points playing White. Yamashita's opponent in the finals will be the winner of the game between Kobayashi Satoru 9 Dan and Kohno Rin, who was recently promoted to 7 Dan. Yamashita currently holds the Kisei title and is the challenger for the Meijin title against Yoda Norimoto 9 Dan.


"You got it wrong," writes Keith Arnold in response to last week's report on the AGA Board's advisory opinions on items scheduled to come before the National Assembly at next week's Go Congress, including amending the bylaws to elect Directors by membership vote (rather than by chapters) and to elect all Directors at-large (without regard to regions). "While popular vote carried 4-3, the regional system 'survived' 4-3."

GAME COMMENTARY: Cho's Unfightable Ko

Today's game commentary is from the second round of the 8th LG Cup World Championship, played just last month in Seoul, Korea. Black is Cho Chikun, 9P, white is Yi (Lee) Changho 9P and commentary is by Alexandre Dinerchtein 1P and is used by permission. The original commentary is on his web site at http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763702&u=http://www.go4go.net,&g=0&f=84763711 a subscription service for commented games.

Today's bonus files are the solutions to last week's life and death problems by Yilun Yang, an original set of three ranging in difficulty from beginner to intermediate and advanced.

DON'T MISS ANOTHER WEEK OF THE BEST DEAL IN GO: 52 weeks of up-to-date go news, reviews, original columns PLUS game commentaries and problems for just $20 a year! Sign up today for the Games Edition at http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763705&u=http://www.usgo.org/org/application.asp&g=0&f=84763711 and start receiving your game files next week!


Earlier this year my dad called to ask me if I wanted some old go books and magazines. A friend of his was getting rid of his collection and remembered that I played.

It's not unusual for such a collection to appear but two things were odd about this case. For one thing, people don't usually give them away, preferring to try to recoup some of the expense by selling their go books and equipment (one reason our classified section has proven so popular). But the really strange thing was that I'd never heard of my dad's friend, even though for close to a decade we'd lived in the same city where I'd rarely missed a night at the go club. When I asked around, some of the old-timers had heard of him but as is sometimes the case, he was apparently a non-playing aficionado of the game.

When I visited my dad in May, I found that while most of the books were beginner material, as he'd warned me, the non-descript cardboard box held a true treasure trove: a near-complete collection of Go World going back to Number 1, the May-June 1977 issue. For any go player or collector this would be a valuable find but for this go editor, it's a dream come true. In the small Pantheon of English-language go publications, Go World no longer stands alone but none can match the longevity and sheer quality of this seminal magazine. Indeed, meeting founding editor John Power was one of the highlights of my visit to Japan last year.

I happily gave the books to the eager young members of the resurgent Empty Sky Go Club and, after merging the Go World collection with my own (which picks up when I began playing in 1985) I donated the duplicate magazines to the Baltimore Go Club, thus amplifying the former go player's generous largesse. In an interesting postscript to the story, however, I discovered that somewhere in my cross-country moves over the last decade, five years of my own Go World collection have gone missing. So if anyone out there has extra copies of issues 79-92 and wants to contribute them to the Journal editor's archives, drop me a line at cgarlock@dclabor.org Your beneficence will be noted, not only in the E-Journal, but among the eternal go masters as well.

GO REVIEW: Sabaki, How to Manage Weak Stones
by Yi-Lun Yang, 7P
Lecture notes compiled and edited by John C. Stephenson Published by Wings Across Calm Water Go Club Reviewed by Kenneth Berg

A prolific teacher, author, and regular attendee of the US Go Congress, Mr. Yang is well known to the American go scene. "Sabaki" is based on lectures given by Mr. Yang during one of the annual 4-day intensive workshops held each June by the Wings Across Calm Water Go Club. For those familiar with Mr. Yang's other excellent works (such as the Whole Board Thinking in Joseki series and his Ingenious Life and Death Puzzle series), this little tome will get right to the heart of the topic. In section 1, Mr. Yang begins by discussing the importance of managing weak stones. He presents the reader with a series of questions to help evaluate weak stones and decide which course of action is appropriate. The following 78 diagrams and explanations illustrate the principles of sabaki in real-game context, with examples of good, bad, and "insufficient" play to show when to run, live quickly, or sacrifice. The remainder of the book covers practice problems, beginning with six sabaki g! uidelines, followed by 12 "black to play" half-board problems. While sabaki is important to all levels, this material presented will be most accessible to mid-kyu through dan level players. Higher kyu players can benefit if they approach the book as a tool to help improve their overall judgment relative to handling of weak stones, rather than getting bogged down in some of the more intricate sequences. "Sabaki" is available as a limited numbered first printing for $12.75 per copy plus $2.25 per order. Orders can be placed online using PayPal / creditcard from the Wings Across Calm Water Go Club website at: http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763709&u=http://www.wingsgoclub.org/&g=0&f=84763711 , by going to the section on books. Checks can also be sent directly to John C. Stephenson, 446 Lincoln Ave., Wyckoff, NJ, 07481.


CALLAO, VIRGINIA: I am moving to Callao soon and would like to contact go players on Northern Neck.
- Bob Lindsey 804-529-5775; shinebob@verizon.net

Got go stuff to sell, swap or want to buy? Do it here and reach more than 5,000 Go players worldwide every week at Go Classified! Send to us at journal@usgo.org


August 2-10: Houston, TX
U.S. GO CONGRESS http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763703&u=http://www.houstongoclub.org/USGC2003/intro.html&g=0&f=84763711

August 3: Tacoma, WA
Wish We Were There Tournament
Mike Malveaux 253-906-0095 tacomagofiend@yahoo.com

August 16-25: Manchester, England
Mind Sports Olympiad
+44 1707 659080; entries@msoworld.com

August 30-September 1: Montreal, Canada
26th Canadian Open Go Championship
Steven Mays smays@videotron.ca

September 20: Durham, NC
Third Annual Joe Shoenfield Memorial Marathon Go Tournament Paul Celmer pcelmer@earthlink.net

September 21: Hoboken, NJ
Hoboken Fall Tournament
Larry Russ 201-216-5379 lruss@stevens-tech.edu

NOTE: this listing is not all-inclusive, featuring only upcoming tournaments in the next month or events which require early registration. For a complete U.S. listings, go to http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763707&u=http://www.usgo.org/usa/tournaments.html&g=0&f=84763711
For the European Go Calendar see http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763708&u=http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/fm/engels/go/tourn.html&g=0&f=84763711

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN-OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 5,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E-Journal: email details to us at MAILTO:journal@usgo.org
Ratings are on the web! Check the website; http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763704&u=http://www.usgo.org&g=0&f=84763711 for the full list.

GET YOUR TOURNAMENT RATED! Send your tournament data to MAILTO:ratings@usgo.org

For a full list of AGA officers, contacts & their email addresses, go
to: http://gm14.com/r.html?c=221086&r=220649&t=88498618&l=1&d=84763706&u=http://www.usgo.org/org/index.asp#contactinfo&g=0&f=84763711

Published by the American Go Association
Text material published in "AMERICAN GO E-JOURNAL" may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that attached files, including game records, MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the Journal.

To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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